Tuesday, 18 March 2014

What social, economic, and technical context have rise to theblockbuster film from 75-83?

What social, economic, and technical context have rise to the blockbuster film from 75-83?

Teen audiences had a huge influence in 75 - had to impress teens 

Due to long work hours adults had during the 70s, their lives began to become repetitive and wanted to escape from their regular lives because they wanted to see something that they hadn't seen before which they couldn't get from watching TV and the cinemas provided a spectacle in which they could escape from. 

Teen audiences had huge influences during 75 because blockbuster hits attracted huge media attention which drew teens to go and see films in the cinema rather than pirating them since the media attention turned it into an event movie - Jaws is seen as an event movie

Multiplexes were also always on the motorways because there was more space to build more screens and bigger car parks, which is opposite of independent theatres as they were in the high street so people could get there, which would attract teenagers to create a bigger audience which could explain why the rise of multiplexes had a strong correlation to the increasing number of teenage cinema attendees. 

More special effects and technology was very appealing to the public since is created a spectacle and was something they hadn't seen before, ie Star Wars introduced elements in to films which had not been seen before  

The early 80s cause an increase in cinema popularity due to new technologies becoming available to big screen

Growth in TV ownership drew older audiences away from the cinema as it became became fashionable to stay at home and watch TV because it was easier and cheaper 

Multiplexes were bought in by American companies because they were worried that their films were not being seen by English audiences, English people wanted/expected to see bigger and better films, which America provided - such as Jaws, which is classed as the first blockbuster which is exactly what English people wanted to see, which drew them to the cinema. 

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