Genre - he style of the film - can determine what it's about - is seen in the trailer -
People have expectations, if they are met it's a good film(mainstream), if it doesn't meet expectations it is bad.
- Bad - Not Ron - not what it says on the tin - dissatisfaction
• Changes over time
• Can convert to make a hybrid
Children of Men - Thriller - dark colours
Audiences like genre because they know what they're gonna get
- recipe - ingredients - conventions
Consider the use of casting/actors
Horror - turning it into a rom com - "happy family" - kid who's looking for a dad who gets a new one
What Genre is V for Vendetta and children of men
C - apply the concept of genre to V and CoM - find the key scenes that demonstrate the genre effectively - produce a collage of the key scenes
B - use genre as a critical perspective - compare films and think about how they use genre
A - think about what one conforms and why
1) mood board
2) props, costume, makeup, actors
3) write an essay about why they are using genre in the ways that they are
Adaptation of a comic book - visual affect and stylistic filming - three plots
Camera swooping through tunnels - scary (not for kids)
Straight from the comic - angles are perfect - good looking movie
Gives fans what they want - analysing the characters
Good cast
Tone and look of the movie
Dialog is smart, clever and thought out - feels real (what the future is gonna loom like)
Emotion, depth, realistic (not glamorous) - batman was physically challenged
Comic book films should keep to the original source material and look nice - what parts of V conform to a typical comic book movie?
A hero has to sacrifice themselves to prove that they are heroic (theme of sacrifice) - sense of rebirth
V has superhuman abilities through the tests that were conducted on him, progression of science - survival - theme of rebellion - way of getting rid of pent up anger
Cups = genre
Fluid = conventions
Brown (sci Fi) & clear (action)
Strong colour got weaker and weak colour got stronger
What makes CoM a thriller?
Messages through a TV screen - when he is on the bus.
Fire, surroundings in a state, when he is on the bus or when he is in the refugee camp.
Flashbacks to the past - when he is looking at photos of his wife and kid.
Theme of war - dystopian themes.
Camera is not perfectly still
Essay plan for textual analysis - 5 key scenes from each film. Come to class with a conclusion. First draft due in 2 weeks.
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